Earn and Learn

An Innovation in Issachar and Zevulun Agreements:

For just 5 NIS an hour, five times a week, you can dedicate Torah study time in your name throughout an entire month. Focus on your work while simultaneously reaping the spiritual benefits and blessings of Torah learning!

Join our affordable Issachar and Zevulun partnerships and learn while you earn!

  • Approved and recommended by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and other esteemed Rabbis.



MyStender is dedicated to providing maximum support and assistance to Rabbis, making the world of Halacha more accessible in a unique way. By offering a schedule tailored to each Rabbi's needs, MyStender ensures that Halacha study and guidance fit seamlessly into their lives, no matter where they are in the world. Directed by the Beit Midrash 'Hora'ah Le-Rabanim' . Under the auspices of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Z"L and the MyStender Institute

Harav Mordechai Eliyahu Z"l

Harav Mordechai Eliyahu Z"l

Beit Midrash 'Hora'a LeRabanim,' founded by the esteemed Harav Mordechai Eliyahu Z"L, is a hub of scholarly pursuit for over 500 Rabbis who engage in daily study. Many of these Rabbis have since become community leaders around the globe, sharing the wisdom of the Torah and the values of Judaism with Jewish communities everywhere.

Study time selection form
Choose an hourly Torah study time for just 5 NIS, five times a week, throughout an entire month. 
Focus on your work while gaining the spiritual benefits and blessings of Torah learning!
Study time selection form for soldiers  and security personnel
Choose an hourly Torah study time for just 0.9 NIS, five times a week, throughout an entire month. 
Focus on your work while gaining the spiritual benefits and blessings of Torah learning!
About Us
The words of the Midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 99:9) explaining why Zevulun preceded Issachar in Jacob's blessings are well-known: "Zevulun engaged in commerce, while Issachar engaged in Torah study. Zevulun provided for him, therefore he was given precedence." 
About it, the scripture says (Proverbs 3:18), "It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it." 
As is known, the one who supports the Torah scholars has a great reward, and this merit will stand for him and his family. The aforementioned initiative opens up the possibility for every person to participate in Torah study according to their means, thereby connecting and supporting yeshivas and Torah scholars equally for all souls by connecting groups of dozens of "Zevuluns" who create a partnership in sustaining the Torah. 

Many wish to participate in the study of Torah as the tribes of Zevulun and Issachar did, but they cannot afford to support a Torah scholar on their own.

About Us (continued)

After serving in the regular army and reserves, and later working in high-tech companies, I conceived the idea of establishing a venture that allows everyone to benefit from Torah study at a very low cost, through the Yissachar-Zebulun partnership. With this initiative, you can work and focus on your job while simultaneously gaining all the blessings of Torah study, all at a particularly affordable price.
Join us and start enjoying Torah study in the spirit of the Yissachar-Zebulun partnership today!
This venture enables everyone to have this privilege by forming joint groups to give everyone the opportunity to be a partner, supporter, and connected to Torah scholars, thus earning this great mitzvah.

May it be God's will that this project brings abundant blessings and success, strengthens the study of Torah everywhere, and that all who support it are granted both spiritual and material abundance. May they and their families receive protection and defense, and may they find wisdom and success in all their endeavors. May God be with them and bless them always.
The Issachar and Zevulun agreement is named after the sons of Jacob and has its origin in the Midrash. 
When Jacob blesses his sons in the portion of Vayechi, he blesses Issachar and Zevulun together, placing Zevulun before Issachar: "Zevulun shall dwell by the seashore; he shall be a haven for ships, and his border shall be at Sidon." "Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between the sheepfolds."
In Midrash Rabbah, it is stated that although Issachar was Zevulun's older brother, Zevulun was given precedence because he helped his brother engage in Torah study. "Zevulun was involved in commerce, and Issachar was involved in Torah study. Zevulun would come and feed him; therefore, he was given precedence."
The scripture says, "It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it." Issachar would gather, and Zevulun would bring in ships, sell, and provide all his needs. Thus, Moses says, "Rejoice, Zevulun, in your going out."
Sources (A)
"Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between the sheepfolds". 
From the Midrash, we learn about the agreement between Zevulun and Issachar. Zevulun, who lived by the coast, engaged in trade and used his earnings to support the tribe of Issachar, who dedicated themselves to Torah study. 
Similarly, in Midrash Bamidbar Rabbah, it is mentioned that Zevulun and Issachar shared the reward of Torah study and supported each other. It is also established that Zevulun was greater than Issachar, as "the one who does is greater than the one who studies."
Sources (B)
"Since Zevulun and Issachar were partners, Issachar was engaged in Torah study and Zevulun was engaged in commerce, and Zevulun would toil and give to the mouth of Issachar... 
That the deed is greater than the doer, for without Zevulun, Issachar would not have been able to engage in the study of the Torah, as Zevulun would feed him and put food into his mouth... 
Zevulun and Issachar both received the reward for Torah study together, and both earned their livelihood together... Just as Zevulun had a share in the reward of his Torah, so too Issachar had a share in Zevulun's wealth."
– Midrash Rabbah, Parashat Yitro, 17.
Sources (C)
The passage from the Talmud Sotah 21a beautifully illustrates how the Issachar-Zevulun agreement was practiced by prominent Tannaim. The example of Shimon ben Azariah and his brother Azariah showcases the dedication to Torah study facilitated by mutual support. 
Similarly, Rabbi Yochanan from the House of the Nasi exemplifies how communal support enabled Torah study while still acknowledging the importance of personal engagement in Torah learning.
Igrot Moshe's note emphasizes that even those who support others financially in their Torah study are not completely exempt from their own obligation to study Torah. During their free time, they are still required to engage in Torah study to the best of their ability.This concept underscores the balance between supporting communal Torah study and maintaining personal commitment to learning.
Halakhic priciples by Harav Efrati
In our times, Halakhic authorities have outlined the following principles regarding the Issachar-Zevulun agreement:
  1. It is still possible to establish such an agreement today. However, the reward can only be allocated for future Torah study and not for what has already been learned (Rema, Yoreh De'ah 170).
  2. Even after forming the agreement, individuals engaged in work must still set aside time for their own Torah study and not rely solely on the agreement.
  3. Some authorities say that after the agreement, the craftsman's heavenly reward is equal to that of the Torah scholar (A.G.M. in the opinion of the Rema), while others believe that the Torah scholar still receives a higher reward (Netziv in "Mishpatim").
  4. Most authorities agree that this agreement is proper and good from the outset (Yabia Omer, Vol. 7; Chazon Ish, Igrot, Letter 49).
May this project bring abundant blessings and success, strengthen Torah study in every place, and grant all who support it spiritual and material prosperity, protection, and defense for all their household members. May they be wise and succeed in all their endeavors, and may God bless the work of their hands.
Halakhic priciples (continued)
Some halachic authorities believe that the scholar loses part of his reward in the World to Come due to the agreement (the Netziv in "Meshiv Davar" 3:14 and the opinion of Agudat Yisrael). However, most authorities maintain that the scholar's reward is not affected at all (Orach Chaim, Shemot, Chida in B'rosh David, Hafla'ah in the introduction to Ketubot, Chazon Ish, and others).
According to most halachic authorities, it is permissible to make an agreement with multiple donors, with each sharing in the reward in the World to Come only for the Torah they helped study.
The primary goal of these agreements is to increase the light of Torah in our world and to fulfill the will of our Creator. 
The focus is not on receiving reward in this world or the next, but on doing the will of God out of love. In the end, the reward will come.
There is no need for a written document; an oral agreement is sufficient (Igrot Moshe, Vol. 4, p. 67).

הרה"ג שמואל אליהו שליט"א

בית ההוראה של הרה"ג שמואל אליהו שליט"א

אפשר לעשות הסכם לפי שעות. לא חובה להודיע על בין הזמנים, כי זה מה שמקובל, ואומנם כדאי להגיד. אשריכם! ברכה והצלחה! בברכה, הרב שמואל אליהו

הרב יהונתן דוד ארנברג

משמש כראש כולל 'כרמי המשפט' לדיינות ולרבנות בישוב ענב בשומרון.


!!יישר כח גדול

הרב ישראל דוצימינר

מנכ"ל תנועת מעייני הישועה

!!יישר כח גדול

Benefit #1 - More Torah Learning

There is no one who can study more Torah. "This time, it's going to happen! I will study for at least an hour a day. How can one possibly give up?.... Oh, what is this, is it already night?? How did it happen – again – that I didn't study?? How will I reach the world to come without the Torah?" Does this sound familiar to you? With God's help, you are busy with work, family, and so on... And you never have time for the Torah that you love? An end to feeling guilty! Start collecting Torah merits because we have a solution just for you! Start collecting the benefits of Torah study because this solution is especially for you! Your Torah will connect to Chesed, and you are the big winner! The Issachar and Zevulun agreement is built especially for you. You will gain the credits for Torah and charity with the click of a button! You can be sure that you have done your best! How? With a single click - you gain hours of Torah study and simultaneously support Torah learners!

Benefit #2 - Additional Bracha!

It is a privilege to be partners in a Mitzvah in such a way that alongside Torah learners, they will engage in Torah, and the supporting party will provide them with support, sharing their reward” (Rama, Yoreh De'ah, section 1). “It is like lighting one candle from another, as the Torah says: "שְׂמַח זְבוּלֻן בְּצֵאתֶךָ וְיִשָּׂשכָר בְּאֹהָלֶיךָ." As the Ohr Hachayim states in Parashat Ki Tisa, the learner loses nothing from his rewards, and the donor receives full rewards from his study. The donations enable the learners to add more Torah and Yirat Shamayim and, at the same time, supply the supporters and their offspring with blessings, success, and protection. All their prayers will be accepted willingly before Hashem. In the world to come, they will be privileged to share in the merits of Torah study and enjoy the radiance of the holy Torah.

Benefit #3 - Affordable

The monthly support for a yeshiva student with three full study schedules of 9 hours or a kollel scholar studying 7 hours daily, who needs to supplement his family's livelihood with dignity, can reach $2,000 per month. This initiative allows many 'Zevuluns' to come together to support yeshivas and Lomdei Torah at very affordable rates. Affordable for everyone! As explained in the holy books, the Yissachar-Zvulun agreement is duly signed and sealed, establishing a partnership in Torah study by the learners. The 'Zevuluns' will benefit from an abundance of blessings and success in their possessions in this world. In the world to come, they will share in the merits of Torah study and enjoy the radiance of the holy Torah.

What is the "Issachar and Zevulun Agreement"?

The Issachar-Zevulun agreement is a long-standing tradition within Judaism, signifying a pact between those who study Torah and those who support Torah study. In this agreement, the Torah scholars (Issachar) commit to sharing the spiritual merits of their study with their supporters (Zevulun). In return, the supporters pledge to provide financial backing for the scholars.
This tradition traces its roots to the historical pact between the tribe of Issachar, dedicated to Torah study, and the tribe of Zevulun, who were engaged in trade and took upon themselves to support Issachar financially. Under this agreement, the donor becomes a full partner in the study of Torah and is considered to have engaged in Torah study themselves.

What do I get in return for signing the agreement?

The partnership in this good deed means that Torah scholars will engage in Torah study, while their supporters provide them with necessary support. In return, the supporters share in the scholars' rewards, as stated in the Rema, Yoreh De'ah, Siman 236, Section 1.
This partnership is like lighting one candle from another. As it is written in the holy book Or HaChaim, Parashat Ki Tisa, and in the book Ktav Sofer, the learner does not lose anything from their reward, and the donor receives full reward for their learning. "Zevulun shall rejoice in your going out, and Issachar in your tents," signifies that everyone should rejoice in their own part and not take from their friend's.
These support funds will be used for the elevation in Torah and to rise in pure fear of the Lord. They will ascend to the merit of the supporter with a generous hand, bringing safekeeping, blessing, and success. The merit of the commandment will affect the supporter and their household, ensuring that the Torah will not depart from the mouths of their descendants. All their prayers will be accepted favorably before their Creator.

Where does the donated money go?

The money goes to the yeshiva/kollel students and the teachers.

Why would I sign any such partnership agreement?

By signing this agreement, you will share in the merits of the Torah with those who study it, and receive blessings and abundance. May you and your household be protected and safeguarded, and may you find success in business and all areas of life.